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People are not good and bad, they are different

Writer's picture: rajeevaranjanrajeevaranjan

Most management experts accept that people are their best asset, irrespective of the type of business, they are in. But do we realize that most of the organizational problems are also because of people? Technical problems are very easy to solve in comparison. Change or modify the part/lubricant and the problem is gone.

People's problems linger. There can be different reasons, but the root cause is the concept of “ I am right”. We are not professionals. We do not take ownership of our activities and their consequences. We prefer to blame or react. We even look for excuses to pass on the responsibilities.

Are people good or bad? No way, almost everyone is sensible. Two things, however, decide why we do what we do. I think we all agree on the point that if there is clarity of thought, things are better and there is less chaos, conflict, or confusion. Interestingly thought is a mind thing. The brain is involved, which is supposed to remove ambiguity. As per the latest neurological research and reports, as explained by #arthurcarmazzi in his books and videos on business culture, the old concept of the left and right brain is over. There are different finding, which is explained by Mr Arthur Carmazzi’s in his theories and teachings. Mr Carmazzi is a world-renowned business culture expert.

He cites four insanities that take us to the wrong assessment of any event/situation. They are

1. Common sense is obvious. The problem is people do not think in a similar fashion.

2. If we can do it, others also should be able to do that.

3. People should be fair.

4. Truth is universal

In addition to this, we also need to know that our focus is governed by RAS (Reticular Activating System) inside our brain which when focused, cannot look at the totality anymore. When it focuses on something, it deletes everything not focused on. So, when we focus on someone’s good points, we do not see their bad points, and vice versa.

Another interesting concept by Mr Carmazzi is his “encoded assumption” theory. If someone does something, we assume that it must be because of certain reasons, as per our own thinking. If it is not, our rules of engagement change and so does our behavior in interaction with them.

Neuro research are showing that the brain is hardwired differently in different people. It is like, chips used by Apple phones cannot be used on Android phones and vice versa. That is why some games developed for one chip do not run with the same efficiency on the other chip. Similarly, there are four types of brain circuits in humans for processing and because of this, different brains need different types of input for their brain’s ambiguity relief processing. Plainly speaking, that is how we all come to any decision or conclusion. These are:

1. Linear processing

2. Relational processing

3. Chaotic processing, and

4. Intuitive processing

Going into the details of all these processing here will not be possible, as it is a different large subject altogether. Suffice it will be to conclude here that these lead to the four insanities, we talked about above. Our ambiguity relief system and hence decision making is different due to these brain circuitries in humans.

We need to understand that people are not good or bad, they are different. If we accept this fact, the conflicts will reduce drastically and the environment will change for the better. It will be a blessing for any enterprise if people start accepting others as different rather than being against each other as individuals.

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